GIFIIP’s Green Sukuk Initiative developed the “Green Sukuk Training Program”, aiming to support Islamic financiers and impact investors build capacity for seizing new investment opportunities in the sustainable development area. It also aims to educate potential Green Sukuk issuers and other relevant stakeholders on the fundamentals of Sukuk and the legal framework of Green Sukuk.
The program is structured as a rigorous technical modular seminar explaining key concepts and recent developments in impact investing and Green Sukuk. It describes how impact investors and Islamic financiers can work together within a win-win framework to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and showcase best practices and potential investment opportunities in these fields. The training is organized with the participation of stakeholders from the public and private sectors.
Upon completion of the training, the participant will learn how to:
MODULE 1 – Impact Investing: The Role of Financiers and Investors in Development
MODULE 2 – Islamic Financial Instruments and Contracts for Impact Investing
MODULE 3 – Islamic Green Finance: Development, Ecosystem, and Prospects
MODULE 4 – Introduction to Social Impact Sukuk & Green Sukuk as a mode of Financing
MODULE 5 – Thematic Sukuk: Opportunities & Trends
MODULE 6 – Difference between various Green Sukuk Structures and Green bonds
MODULE 7 – SDGs and the Evolving Sukuk Landscape
MODULE 8 – Guiding Principles and Framework of Green Sukuk
MODULE 9 – Case Studies & Best Practices